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Benefit Fraud

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The benefits system can be very confusing to understand.  If you have been charged with an offence involving benefit fraud, or you are being investigated for claiming benefit you wrongly thought you were entitled to, contact the criminal defence lawyers at Qamar Solicitors for urgent advice.


We understand the temptation to claim for benefits you are not entitled to, whether it is because of family relationship or health problems, or general financial pressures.  We take a sympathetic approach to our clients who are undergoing immense stress from benefit fraud investigations and potential prosecution – and we strive to work towards a quick resolution so that our clients can get on with their lives as soon as possible.


It is important to understand that because benefit fraud is increasing, the Government is cracking down. If you are under investigation for any of the following, we can assist:


  • Disability benefit fraud

  • Housing benefit fraud

  • Carer’s allowance fraud

  • Council tax fraud

  • Working tax credit fraud

  • DWP benefit fraud

  • Child tax credit fraud

  • Job seeker’s allowance fraud


Wrongly claiming benefits including financial help, or assistance with medical or food supplies will be severely dealt with by the authorities.  You could face charges relating to, for instance:


  • Failure to report your employment

  • Failure to tell the authorities you are living with a partner

  • Failure to disclose savings or windfalls

  • Lying about how much rent you pay or how much money you are earning

  • Failing to report a rise in wages that takes you over the eligibility limit

  • Claiming to rent a property when you legally own it

  • Claiming disability allowance despite knowing you are fit to work

  • Other failures to report a change in your eligibility status


The value of benefit fraud can range from a few hundred pounds to many thousands of pounds over a prolonged period of time.  As soon as you become aware that you have been wrongly claiming because, for instance, you have received a formal letter requiring you for a benefit fraud under caution, contact us without delay.  We can advise you before the meeting, and represent your best interests at the meeting – seeking to avoid prosecution if possible.


Detailed knowledge


We have detailed knowledge of the benefits system and the eligibility criteria for the range of benefits available.  We have years of experience helping clients in relation to benefit fraud and have an excellent track record in successfully representing them. 


We will carefully look at the factual background to your case to determine whether any errors have been made on the part of the DWP (or other relevant authority) that has led to the investigation and potential charge; the nature of, for instance, relationships that are at issue and other relevant factors that we could use in on your defence.




On conviction for benefit fraud, you could be sentenced for a period in prison.  If, for instance, there is a benefit overpayment of more than £20,000 you could be sentenced for 9-12 months in prison.  More serious offences could result in longer sentences.


However, we work towards mitigating any sentence. For instance, if you can make a prompt repayment this will be taken into account during sentencing.  Where the fraud started in circumstances where you were under immense stress or disability, we will seek to ensure the court gives this full consideration and shows leniency towards you.


How can we help?


It is imperative to cooperate with the authorities as soon as an investigation is underway.  You must also take early expert legal advice from solicitors experienced in benefit fraud.   The criminal defence lawyers at Qamar Solicitors are available now to give you the expert advice and representation you need if you are facing prosecution for benefit fraud.  

Benefit Fraud, Benefit Investigations, criminal defence


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